Rites of Passage Project Update (April 2022)

Renovating speakers takes a lot of work!

Work continues on cleaning old speakers that have been generously given or loaned to the project.

It’s a reminder of what had to be done to assemble a sound system ready, learning as you went along about electronics, carpentry, welding and soldering, testing, getting tips and help from the older generation too.

Now it involves stripping down the systems, checking the wires, replacing and building it up again.

Lots of memories flood in while working on getting a system ready to play again about the skills gained, the DIY, the effort involved going across town to get different parts, and all on so little money.

Working together to produce something unique, believing in our own abilities to create something and receiving encouragement from those around us who cared.

Ever wondered what the inside of a speaker looks like? Now you know!

Published by mobeprojects

We are a community project conducting our work mainly in the Bradford South area. We work with people that are marginalized, unemployed and groups with similar interests. We have been established since 2014, but recently converted to a CIO.