Recording at The Mary Seacole Centre (17th February 2022)

A great time was had at The Mary Seacole Centre – there was even time for a game of dominoes!

The Mary Seacole Centre became an excellent recording studio today (despite the fire alarm test!)

A quick sound check for dominoes playing in the background and we were away, good humour and some great memories of enjoyment in the past.

There was a bit of wistfulness about recalling being younger and also a critical eye on the troubled years that many people in Bradford’s African Caribbean community have seen and lived through. 

Revisiting memories of playing and listening to music, socialising and living in or going to places that no longer exist – all this provides a vital backstory to how sound systems took root locally, link back to their origins and connect with the sound systems of today. Each time these testimonies are powerful to listen to and tributes to creativity and resilience.

Published by mobeprojects

We are a community project conducting our work mainly in the Bradford South area. We work with people that are marginalized, unemployed and groups with similar interests. We have been established since 2014, but recently converted to a CIO.